Dropzone Guidelines

The goal of Cloud Games is to encourage and promote skydivers to get involved with competition. Our hopes are to get teams to compete in the comforts of their home DZ that wouldn’t normally be able to participate. We also want to give dropzones around the world the chance to host a global competition.

Co-Host Requirements




Need to have a robust internet connection allowing for uploads of HD videos regularly throughout the day.


Meet Director


Each dropzone will need to dedicate a responsible person of integrity on the ground during the competition to help facilitate and communicate with Skydive Chicago. An S&TA, DZ Manager, experienced competitor, or other knowledgable individual would be good examples. This should not be someone competing. S/he must attend a zoom competition/rules briefing before the competition (there will be a couple dates/times to choose from). Potential candidates should contact Events@skydivechicago.com.




We expect participating dropzones to share the event on all social channels and promote teams to compete in the event! This includes both pick-up and trained teams. We will make you a co-host of the event on Facebook to help facilitate this sharing and we will include your dropzone’s name on the website as soon as you have committed to co-hosting with us.


Must provide a jump platform for competitors to meet competition freefall time requirements.



Must be able to commit to making teams a priority to complete all jumps required Friday 6/14 to Sunday, 6/16. Weather and other unpredicted scenarios will be addressed as they arise by the DZ Meet Director in communication with Skydive Chicago’s Chief Meet Director.



Ready to host? Email events@skydivechicago.com to get your name on the list!